Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Blogger Jason said...

i will vote for whoever has the greener plan for nyc. nature is the top concern for me

none of the other fuckers who are going to run for mayor are any good on the environment. our bike riding DOT commish will be the first one out the door if nyc elects anyone else...

get real. bloomberg may be a dick, but atleast we have a real green policy in this city. one of the only comprehensive plans in the country

Wednesday, October 01, 2008  
Blogger Jason said...

PlaNYC 2030

1 million new trees by 2010 (which is quadruple the previous rate) and they are deliberately using the type of trees that absorb the most pollution

congestion pricing, which will make a comeback

he took parking placards away from asshole city workers who drive everywhere and park illegally and pollute the city - bloomy has removed over 10,000 of these illegal parking permits mostly from NYPD (which they are trying to sue over)

bike lanes, bike lanes, bike lanes

the new rules attempting to force buildings to provide bike parking

bloomy vetoed the ban on pedicabs, saved their business

using the rivers to cart trash around on barges removing thousands of trucks from the streets

I think Bill Thompson, who is the loudest Critic of Bloomy third term, has the potential to be better and greener...but we will ahve to see.

So far Bloomy is light years ahead of the other candidates. Light years.

Prove me wrong.

By the way, he cannot change the rule without a vote by the people of NY. He is attempting to make a one time exception that can only last for one term under the laws of the State. It would remove term limit only this one time for people who are currently in their last term (including city council).

In my opinion, PlaNYC 2030 is not nearly enough of a CO2 reduction. It is too weak....but that doesn't change the fact that the other candidates will most likely WEAKEN the plan even further, and remove our DOT commish.

All that we have fought for as bikers could be at risk. Sadik-Khan is thee most progressive DOT commish in the entire country. That alone makes Bloomberg worth it.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008  
Blogger bluesclues said...

I would love to prove you wrong on why ultimately Bloomberg is bad for the city, environmentally speaking, and would prove this through his sick love of money and power; but it will take a little time and would be going above and beyond, because it has absolutely nothing to do with what I'm talking about.

We have rules. They have already been voted on twice. Would you have approved a third term for Rudy? Bloomfuck himself has made numerous statements regarding his respect for those rules. Now, all of a sudden, at the last minute, he wants to change them.

This is about the most expensive campaigns run in world history. If your only hope for "nature" is a billionaire republican who lies to the people who pay him because of one DOT commish, it shows that you are buying the media spin.

Not only do we need Bloomberg to come to our rescue now, we need Bloomberg to break all the rules he has supported in the past so the one DOT commish can save nature.

And to go one step beyond, who really gives a fuck if you bike to work unless your work is all about saving nature? Especially when most of your tax money will go to destroying nature and poor people. Or to cops who murder, tackle, harass, and tase? Or soldiers who rape, murder and torture.

This is not about bike lanes. This is about the complete disregard of the laws by those whose job it is to enforce them. And in case you didn't notice, it's out of control.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008  
Blogger Jason said...

Bloomy has done some very anti-green stuff as well. Just so it's clear I am not partisan (I voted for Freddie Ferrer) and would happily vote for someone with a greener creds.

For example: he has expanded the construction of parking garages for rich fuckers (greatly increasing the number of parking spots in the city), and luxury housing projects for rich fuckers.

By the way...many of those projects are going down now that we are entering the Greater Depression - woo hoo!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008  
Blogger Jason said...

I hear you.

But that doesn't change that list of real, concrete changes that have taken place since 2006. That's a short time period. All which benefit the environment.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008  
Blogger Jason said...

If my only hope for the environment is a Billionaire Republican, it shows that the Democrats don't have a good environmental policy or platform.

How can you argue with one million trees?

I never buy media spin, the media does not care about the environment one bit.

And to go even further...every single aspect of life offers opportunities to hep the environment. This should be the single driving factor in every decision made by a human being on this dying planet. And, you can get your workplace to help the environment, even if it is an office type job - I got in a lot of trouble with our Director when I waged a very public war against these new refrigerated vending machines up here at the school.

The Director and the vending machines are now both gone.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008  
Blogger Jason said...

Fuck the rules too by the way. I don't care about the rules, I only care about the end result of changing environmental policy. I would happily bend every fucking rule, and become a communist if it would help.

The rules suck in this state. That's the reason we didn't get congestion pricing. That's the reason Albany gets to control our city.

The Rudy situation is interesting...because he would never have won a third term...except for 9/11.

So, yes - good point. That would have been a disaster. But still...this rule in only 15 years old. Rules can change.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008  
Blogger bluesclues said...

I guess we'll have to wait until 2010 and count them.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008  
Blogger bluesclues said...

If you don't care about the rules then why don't you start breaking them?

If you only care about the end result of changing environmental policy, why do you look to the richest dickwad businessman you can find?

Business is Nature's Enemy.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008  
Blogger Jason said...

Because the richest dickwad in town is the only one doing anything. I am fully ready to vote for someone better.

Where the fuck are they?

I break plenty of rules, I have broken hundreds of copyright rules on UnTV alone (and using people's SUV license plates) - not to mention my art...plus other unmentionables..but I agree with Ruppert's philosophy on law and rule breaking in general. You must get a return on your investment. So every action has to have a desirable result - which outweighs the risk. Anything less weakens you - makes you vulnerable - and prey to the State.

Trust me, if Anthony Weiner gets elected...you are going to wish we had Bloomberg back.

And what about Ray Kelly? He could easily win too (unless Bloomberg runs again).

BTW...I also agree with you on the rules...what if they keep crying out "emergency" like Bush every single year. So, I am of two minds.

If we really do get one million fucking trees its totally worth it.

I also agree that business (like it is now - constant growth) is the enemy of Nature. I totally agree....

but once again - give me a better candidate and I will fully support them.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008  
Blogger Jason said...

13 comments! Fireworks in the Bangor Blues!

Wednesday, October 01, 2008  
Blogger bluesclues said...

I am in agreement with a lot of what you say, but ultimately, this is bad news in my opinion.

Bloomberg is not doing this to save the environment. He's supposedly doing it to save New York City's economy and therefore the global economy (some will argue). But power, ego, and lots of details we have no idea about are probably more in play.

Bloomberg has a lot of money. If he cares so much, he should leave when his legal term limits are up, which would free him from certain political requirements, and then spend every last fucking penny he has to save the economy or environment or whatever else he feels needs his, and only his, superior holiness.


And as far as term limits go, I am all for them. In my lifetime, the vast majority of Republicans and Democrats SUCK ASS. And besides that, the last thing we should be talking seriously about right now in the MSM is term limit extentions, especially when big fat W. is looking towards "Continuity of Government." The very idea should be struck down without hesitation.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008  
Blogger Jason said...

OK. You got me. These arguments win:

"Bloomberg has a lot of money. If he cares so much, he should leave when his legal term limits are up, which would free him from certain political requirements, and then spend every last fucking penny he has to save the economy or environment or whatever else he feels needs his, and only his, superior holiness.


I still don't like the other candidates.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008  
Blogger bluesclues said...

Yes! ;)

I don't like what I've seen of the other candidates either. And to be fair, as much as I don't like Bloomberg, I will admit that I may be somewhat biased. I don't like rich people. And I don't like evil media moguls.

Maybe if Bloomberg takes my advice he can be the first rich, evil media mogul to earn my respect.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008  
Blogger Jason said...

I don't like rich people either, at all...but being rich does give him the advantage of not having to answer to anyone.

I think that is why he stuck his neck out on congestion pricing. Can't imagine anyone else doing that...yet.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008  

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